
Lauri (Lauren) Osselton

I support creative souls in pursuing their soul's deepest desires and passions. As a trauma-informed + supervised coach, I hold deeply transformative space for clients to move through feelings of self-judgment, anxiety and fear to gain clarity on what they most desire to pursue + how to do so with self-grace and compassion. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up to receive my weekly Mindful Creative (free) newsletter!

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how to navigate a creative "rut"

hi sweet friend, Reader, you know the feeling... starting at the blank page... WILLING for the words to appear. starting at the blank canvas, perfectly primed and ready for you to bring it to life... feeling creatively blocked is frustrating, especially if, like me, you're on the ever-continual journey of breaking the pattern and societal conditioning of valuing myself based on my productivity. our value is in who we are, not in what we do. surrendering to waves of feeling uninspired or...

hi sweet friend, Reader, even though I've been a creative entrepreneur for going-on-four-years, I still have to lovingly remind myself to accept that there are highs and lows to entrepreneurship... especially in the first years. just as in life, entrepreneurship has ups and downs... but when you log onto social media, it can be hard to remember that, when you see others locking in milestones you haven't (yet!) hit... without considering the context of what it took them to get there. we use...

Hey, Reader I'm sitting at my desk, in my cozy creative cave, writing about the program I designed with complete intention through a deep desire to serve. When I reflect on the great joys that living a creative life provides, this is one of them. I want you to be able to wake up in the morning, knowing you're on the right path towards yoru creative desires. Because I know that you were born to create whether that's writing a book, launching your podcast, starting a YouTube channel, launching...

Hey, Reader We all need to have a WHY behind what we're doing for that experience to feel FULFILLING. There are alot of reasons WHY I love coaching, but it truly comes down to my desire to BEING THE VERSION OF MYSELF THAT PAST ME ALWAYS NEEDED and make others feel SEEN, VALIDATED and less alone in their experiences. I PURSUE MY PASSIONS AS A COACH, WRITER + ARTIST FOR HER: I'VE ALWAYS LONGED TO BE A LIGHT FOR OTHERS... I've been on a 20+ year healing journey (through an anxiety disorder,...

Hi my love, I want you to picture this with me. I envision... ☀️Mornings where you wake up excited for the day, so certain you’re on the right path ☀️A life where you feel so passionate and CONFIDENT in what you do, that SPEAKING and WRITING about it have become second nature and almost intuitive. ☀️A life filled with a group of pals who have taken this journey alongside you, who you can call on any time to receive feedback on your creative endeavours. ☀️A life where you truly feel you’re...

hi sweet friend, Reader about once a month i meet with my coach/ coaching supervisor, and one of my favourite parts of working with her is that we truly co-create magic together. i can come into the calls with bold creative ideas, and share my passion with her through powerful words, and receive actual feedback for how i can make my message even bolder. these moments always feel so magical to me. THERE'S A CERTAIN MAGIC that comes from being witnessed in sharing your words with someone who...

hi sweet friend, Reader i know we may not have had the pleasure of meeting in person, but there's one thing i think i know for sure about you... the creations yearning to be birthed from your creative soul are endless… the book, podcast or YouTube channel to share the stories and messages that are bursting from your throat chakra... the coaching offer that will take your clients on a deeply healing journey... the artistic creations that you long to see in the homes of others... the deeply...

hi sweet friend, Reader Do you find yourself overthinking and dwelling in self-doubt when it comes to SPEAKING about your creative gifts and BOLDLY sharing that in content + copy? *what if this doesn't even make sense? *what if no one likes my post? *what if this opinion repels some people? *what if no one understands what i'm trying to say? *what if past classmates, colleagues and family members are watching me? **cue walking away from posting and deciding to 'come back to it later'** My...

hi sweet friend, Reader The online space likes to play many smoke-and-mirrors kind of games with our mindset, which creates these 'rules' of online business that simply aren't necessarily true for everyone. One thing the online space likes to convince us of is that if we "don't like doing" something or "aren't good" at it, we can just outsource it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against aligned outsourcing elements of our business. There have been seasons of my business where I outsourced that...

hi sweet friend, Reader I just wanted to pop in to remind you that the epic early bird price of $999 CAD for Messaging Magic expires TONIGHT! How would it feel to invest passionately into your creative pursuit? YOUR CREATIVE DREAMS AND DESIRES AREN’T RANDOM ❤️🔥 You have these gifts, passions and desires for a reason. And you’ve been given the opportunity of this life to pursue them unapologetically. NONE OF IT IS RANDOM YOU WERE BORN TO CREATE ❤️🔥 ✨the book… the podcast… the creative business...