how to navigate a creative "rut"

hi sweet friend, Reader,

you know the feeling...

starting at the blank page... WILLING for the words to appear. starting at the blank canvas, perfectly primed and ready for you to bring it to life...

feeling creatively blocked is frustrating, especially if, like me, you're on the ever-continual journey of breaking the pattern and societal conditioning of valuing myself based on my productivity.

our value is in who we are, not in what we do.

surrendering to waves of feeling uninspired or blocked creatively allows you to move through those periods and find your inspiration with much more ease than fighting these feelings or periods.

With certain tools + techniques, as creatives, we can keep our inspiration well pretty full . That said, even the most inspired creatives face ‘ruts’ or ‘blocks’ in their creative inspiration.

So how do you actually navigate a creative ‘rut’ or ‘block’ or period of a lack of inspiration?

1. Consider the last time you took a real break

For many, creative blocks and a lack of inspiration can simply be fatigue bordering on burnout. The two key defining factors of burnout are that it’s from prolonged or extended stress, which is quite common for entrepreneurs (especially in the early stages of business), and that it is deeply tethered to our sense of worth + accomplishment.

2. Get Back to Basics

Whether you’re burnt out or simply feeling blocked creatively, taking time to get back to basics, such as creating and fulfilling a morning routine can be massively impactful.

When we get caught up in the rhythm of running our creative business, we can forget about things like self-care, when in reality, regular rest and self-care are actually some of the best ways to ensure we feel consistently creatively inspired.

3. Explore how you are uniquely inspired

Wandering around an art gallery? Going to the park? Shopping for plants? Visiting a market of artisans? Going to the movies? What makes you feel the most inspired? Regularly engaging with the creative community and building relationships by getting out and exploring the work of others is a great way to fill your inspiration cup.

4. Play with your creativity rather than fight it

If you’re feeling really blocked by a blank white page or a lack of inspiration for a particular project, try creating just for fun again. PLAY with your creativity rather than focusing so much on what you’re not doing!

5. Remember this universal truth

EVERYONE has the ability to be creative in a way that makes sense to them. When you’re up against a creative block, you may feel like there’s something wrong with your work or that you ‘don’t have what it takes.’ – but because you’re human, you ARE creative.

Or, as Elizabeth Gilbert so beautifully says, “If you’re alive, you’re a creative person.”

How can you PLAY with your creativity rather than fight the block?

*extra resources for this week

*words of affirmation...

💫 i am a vibrant creative person. i trust that creative ruts or periods of inspiration are temporary. i give myself permission to create with zero expectations. i give myself permission to create just for FUN again.

*freebie of the week...

💫 craving a creative recharge? why not try colouring? in my free colouring book, you receive 3 inspirational mandalas to colour.

*take it a layer deeper...

💫 by booking a soul's purpose session. together we'll hold space to uncover + heal habitual ways of being such as self-doubt, judgment and criticism so you can boldly and consistently create.

Never forget how incredible you are,

Sending you lots of love + light,


p.s. still feeling blocked? book a soul's purpose session to gain clarity in what's behind your creative block, so you can boldly pursue your passion and

  • Consistently + confidently create
  • Create amazing boundaries in your personal and professional life
  • Heal your inner mindset wounds (like perfectionism, productivity and worthiness)
  • Feel an increased sense of confidence
  • Boldly shine your creative light knowing you're worthy of living a life true to yourself
  • Clarify your messaging for sharing your creativity with others
  • Monetize + raise prices in your creative business

Lauri (Lauren) Osselton

I support creative souls in pursuing their soul's deepest desires and passions. As a trauma-informed + supervised coach, I hold deeply transformative space for clients to move through feelings of self-judgment, anxiety and fear to gain clarity on what they most desire to pursue + how to do so with self-grace and compassion. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up to receive my weekly Mindful Creative (free) newsletter!

Read more from Lauri (Lauren) Osselton

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