you are WORTHY of this...

Hey, Reader

I'm sitting at my desk, in my cozy creative cave, writing about the program I designed with complete intention through a deep desire to serve. When I reflect on the great joys that living a creative life provides, this is one of them.

I want you to be able to wake up in the morning, knowing you're on the right path towards yoru creative desires.

Because I know that you were born to create

whether that's writing a book, launching your podcast, starting a YouTube channel, launching a new coaching program or business offering that sets your soul on fire... creativity runs deep through you

But when it comes to actually TALKING and WRITING about WHAT you have to offer... you find yourself clamming up, or feeling blocked by feelings of not-enoughness.

the truth is... at time's it's like you're your own best-kept secret

you already have the creative passions and gifts within you... but if you don't know how to speak and write about them yourself, no one will know about how your gifts can serve them.

It’s about healing the inner blocks so you can get out of your own way, gain inner peace and clarity and listen deeper to the passionate calls of your soul.
Will you heed the call?


If you’re ready to bravely and boldly pursue your creative desires and...

  • gain immense clarity and confidence in your creative desires + how to pursue them
  • get incredibly specific about how you and your work help others and WHY your gifts are so needed right now
  • show your writing to someone in a safe environment before releasing it to the world
  • learn how to make content that appeals to YOUR people
  • receive new perspectives and ideas from the support of a small group
  • learn elements of marketing and copywriting you must know to master your message

I'm calling you in to join us for MESSAGING MAGIC... the group program for creative souls, coaches, healers and artists. This is your final call: We Start Tomorrow

Sending you so much love and light,


P.P.S. Messaging Magic doors close tonight! I'm incredibly passionate about this transformational program and believe this set of skills needs to be in the hands of soulful creatives, artists, healers and coaches. i'll be emailing you extra this week because i want to spread the word about this epic journey... but if you don't want to hear about messaging magic anymore, no hard feelings - click here to opt out.

Lauri (Lauren) Osselton

I support creative souls in pursuing their soul's deepest desires and passions. As a trauma-informed + supervised coach, I hold deeply transformative space for clients to move through feelings of self-judgment, anxiety and fear to gain clarity on what they most desire to pursue + how to do so with self-grace and compassion. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up to receive my weekly Mindful Creative (free) newsletter!

Read more from Lauri (Lauren) Osselton

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