5 tips for embracing the highs + lows of biz

hi sweet friend, Reader,

even though I've been a creative entrepreneur for going-on-four-years, I still have to lovingly remind myself to accept that there are highs and lows to entrepreneurship... especially in the first years.

just as in life, entrepreneurship has ups and downs...

but when you log onto social media, it can be hard to remember that, when you see others locking in milestones you haven't (yet!) hit... without considering the context of what it took them to get there.

we use examples like this to create misguided beliefs, such as believing in all-or-nothing beliefs like feeling not enough if you're not an 'overnight success.'

the thing with being an entrepreneur is it's often an uncharted path...

... and there isn’t really any set of regimented rules (well, besides the law, of course!) or playbook for any one way to do it… no matter how many ‘best selling’ business books exist. The fact of the matter is that every single creative entrepreneur is different, and your path is relatively uncharted.

sometimes that creates a sense of overwhelm or confusion...

until you realize you get to make the rules! Especially the rules about how you'll allow yourself to FEEL about YOUR journey as a creative.

Perhaps, like me, you’re the first member of your family or friend group to become an entrepreneur. Not having a clear example in this arena can be hard, but it’s also incredibly liberating because you get to be the boss and decide on your own terms how you’ll run your business.

Let’s be clear, though: without really a group of biz besties and/or a coach alongside you, this journey can feel very lonely at times, especially when you see your peers hitting other ‘more traditional’ milestones before you. But this path can also be the most rewarding when you build something entirely your own.

Tip 1: Embrace Duality + Balance

One of the most powerful and underrated tools of my own personal development journey has been the embracement of DUALITIES. What I mean by this is that most of us tend to think of things as black or white. This or that. In reality, we live in a relatively gray world, filled with nuance and possibilities. Instead of this OR that, can it be this AND that? BALANCE is found in embracing these dualities.

That’s why embracing that entrepreneurship has both highs and lows is important. That way, in the lows, you can remember the power of the highs. Easier said than done, which is why I will share another powerful tool with you: ANCHORING.

Tip 2: Anchor Your Emotional Experiences

A powerful tool for remembering how good the high points and ‘wins’ of your business journey are during the more challenging moments is to create an anchor around a positive experience.

Let’s say, for example, signing your first customer or making your first sale. Instead of breezing by this moment and onto the next, take a moment to pause and first bask in gratitude for this high point. Then, select an appropriate talisman (a stone, a crystal, a piece of jewelry you may be wearing that day, etc.) and hold onto that piece while you root deeply into the feeling of this moment.

In future, when you’re struggling to remember just how powerful your business is and the impact it has, you can select that talisman and root deeply into it to remember the beautiful high points of creative entrepreneurship.

A regular way to practice anchoring is to save messages from past clients or happy customer reviews in a private folder on your phone for you to return to when you need to remember how incredible your business is (perhaps in moments of imposter syndrome, or in periods of limiting beliefs)

Tip 3: Prioritize Rest Before Reaching Burn Out

Navigating the highs and lows of entrepreneurship is much easier if you prioritize rest even before you ‘need it.’ Waiting to feel intense burnout and fatigue before taking a break, resting or practicing self-care will lead to more burdens in the long run than if you make regular rest part of your priorities.

A regular self-care practice is essential to being a successful creative entrepreneur.

Tip 4: Celebrate Your Strengths

Harvard Business School ranks the following as the top traits for successful entrepreneurs:

  • Curiosity
  • Willingness to Experiment
  • Adaptability
  • Decisiveness
  • Self-Awareness
  • Risk Tolerance
  • Comfort With Failure
  • Persistence
  • Innovative Thinking
  • Long Term Focus

(Source: Harvard Business School)

Some of these traits are things you may have inherently within you that you aren’t recognizing, while others may be things you didn’t even realize were your strengths.

For example, self-awareness and emotional intelligence are absolutely priceless skills in relating to people every successful entrepreneur has. Consider your approach with the people you work with and how you may not recognize your strengths.

Take note, too, that this list also features traits that touch on the very fact that there are inherent challenges and difficult patches to being an entrepreneur. That’s why successful entrepreneurs have the ability to focus on the long-term, are more comfortable with risk and never see ‘failure’ as final.

Which of these traits do you have? Which would you like to develop more?

Tip #5: Chase Fulfillment, Not Success

There's nothing wrong with desiring success but when we root ourself in success we're continually placing our happiness in external factors we may not always have control over. Success is also a limitless ceiling to chase. Fulfillment is a deep feeling - it's a deep sense of feeling attuned and aligned with what you're meant to be doing, and is based on your own emotional state, resources and efforts.

*extra resources for your week ahead...

*words of affirmation...

💫 i embrace the entire journey of being a creative entrepreneur

*freebie of the week...

💫 craving a creative recharge? why not try colouring? in my free colouring book, you receive 3 inspirational mandalas to colour.

*take it a layer deeper...

💫 by booking a free clarity coaching call with me.

Never forget how incredible you are,

Sending you lots of love + light,


P.S. what internally arose within you as you considered the entire journey of being a creative entrepreneur? reply to me here or book a free clarity call to dive deeper together.

Lauri (Lauren) Osselton

I support creative souls in pursuing their soul's deepest desires and passions. As a trauma-informed + supervised coach, I hold deeply transformative space for clients to move through feelings of self-judgment, anxiety and fear to gain clarity on what they most desire to pursue + how to do so with self-grace and compassion. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up to receive my weekly Mindful Creative (free) newsletter!

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