no one can do THIS like YOU...

hi sweet friend, Reader

The online space likes to play many smoke-and-mirrors kind of games with our mindset, which creates these 'rules' of online business that simply aren't necessarily true for everyone.

One thing the online space likes to convince us of is that if we "don't like doing" something or "aren't good" at it, we can just outsource it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against aligned outsourcing elements of our business. There have been seasons of my business where I outsourced that were aligned and ones that, looking back now, were decisions made out of this misguided belief that outsourcing is a sign of growth, because it's simply not true.

Here's the thing... certain things can't be sustainably outsourced, especially for us creativepreneurs... and I may even go so far as to say that some things just simply can't be outsourced.

Let's take marketing, copywriting and content writing. While having a website copywriter for example, can be a really worthwhile decision (and one in many cases I'd recommend), that's just one piece of the marketing puzzle. You still need to be able to confidently write and speak about your creative business to draw in who you're meant to serve.



Even the most talented copywriter or marketer can't actually know your passions and their purpose like you do...

it would be like someone assuming they knew your baby better than you as their parent...

Your creative gifts are YOURS

no one can speak your message or write about your art and gifts as intimately as you can,

And at the end of the day, you don't want to have to always hire someone else to speak for you and your creativity every single time!

you want to own your gifts and own your voice

Messaging Magic is a group coaching program that empowers creative souls to own your gifts and your voice by...

  1. Teaching you the elements of marketing and copywriting you must know to master your message
  2. Providing insight into your actual copy and content {from a copy pro}!
  3. Building clarity and deep confidence in the gifts you have and who you're meant to serve with them

✨This program runs from November 2023 - February 2024, including:

*twice monthly group coaching calls

*5 knowledge-building masterclasses on copywriting and marketing with confidence and soul

*5 detailed copy/content reviews where you get MY eyes + copy brain on your words

*24/7 access to a group Slack channel *a sacred connected space of just 4 other sweet, creative souls like you

Enroll by October 20th, 2023 and receive a bonus 1-on-1 coaching session!

1 spot is already taken, but 4 are still available! Simply reply here if you have questions about if this is right for you, or to request a free clarity call!

Sending you so much love and light,


P.S. Messaging Magic is open for enrollment! Enroll by October 20th, 2023 and receive a FREE 1-on-1 coaching session!

P.P.S. - I'm incredibly passionate about this transformational program and believe this set of skills needs to be in the hands of soulful creatives, artists, healers and coaches. therefore, i'll be emailing you a bit extra in the coming weeks. don't want ot hear about messaging magic? no hard feelings - click here to opt out.

Lauri (Lauren) Osselton

I support creative souls in pursuing their soul's deepest desires and passions. As a trauma-informed + supervised coach, I hold deeply transformative space for clients to move through feelings of self-judgment, anxiety and fear to gain clarity on what they most desire to pursue + how to do so with self-grace and compassion. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up to receive my weekly Mindful Creative (free) newsletter!

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